Tentang Kami

Pendaftaran S1 & S2 Pendidikan Keagamaan Buddha, S1 Dharma Usada, S1 Pendidikan Buddha Anak Usia Dini, S1 Ilmu Komunikasi Buddha, S1 Bisnis dan Manajemen Buddha telah dibuka


  • Buddha considered good health to be a true blessing and an important prerequisite for practising the Dhamma.健康是我们至高无上的财富。    Arogya parama labha    Freedom from disease is the greatest good fortune. (Dhp. 204)
    (kesehatan adalah keuntungan terbesar).

    • Vinaya Pitaka (I:301-302 ; Mahavagga, bab 8, ayat 26): “Siapa yang merawat orang sakit, merawat Buddha”.

    Monks, you have not a mother, you have not a father who might tend you.  If you, monks, do not tend one another, then who is there to tend you?  Whoever, monks, would tend me, he should tend the sick.” (From the Pali Text Society’s translation, Book of the Discipline, Vol 4 p 432)

    The Buddha defined health (appābādhatā or ārogya) as ‘having well-being, good digestion, not being over-cold or over-hot, balance and being capable of activity’


    Note: The description is identical to TCM (traditional chinese medicine) principle of health ie. the balance of YIN and YANG.

    Karmawibhangga Sculptures of BOROBUDUR Temple in Central Java, Indonesia, depicting herbal and massaging therapies.

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Tipitaka sources regarding treatments

  • Health Massage (not recreational): AN (I:62; IV:54).
  • Nursing care: A.III, 297; S.V,381.
  • Aromatherapy: Ja.I, 290; D.I, 7; Vin.I, 279.
  • Herbs: Vin.III,251; Vin.I,4; Vin.I, 198-250; S.I,174; Pj.I,21.
  • Needling: Saddharmapundarika Sutra (S. Dhammika. Buddhism A to Z, 217), Chikitsa Vidya.
  • Meditation

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