INSTITUT NALANDA - Webinar \”Achieving Strategy and Inspiring in the New Normal Era\”

Webinar \”Achieving Strategy and Inspiring in the New Normal Era\”

Pendaftaran S1 & S2 Pendidikan Keagamaan Buddha, S1 Dharma Usada, S1 Pendidikan Buddha Anak Usia Dini, S1 Ilmu Komunikasi Buddha, S1 Bisnis dan Manajemen Buddha telah dibuka

Webinar \”Achieving Strategy and Inspiring in the New Normal Era\”

Hello Everyone! Greetings!!!
We the Faculty of Education UNHI, STAB Maitreyawira, STAB Nalanda is going to organise one-day International Webinars in Chinese and English on the topic:

Achieving Strategy and Inspiring in the New Normal Era
新常态时代的成就策略与启发 (xīn chángtài shídài de chéngjiù cèlüè yǔ qǐfā)

Don’t miss it

Catch us live on Zoom dan YouTube (March 6, 2021 at 13:00 PM Jakarta/14:00 PM Denpasar & Beijing/ 19.00 PM BC Canada/ 09.00 AM Saudi Arabia).

Free Registration

Link for the zoom will be shared with all the registered participants one day before the webinar.
E-certificate will be issued to the participants after filling the feedback form at the end of the webinar.

For more information Mobile / WhatsApp: 081268843071, 081288513072, 087786440412

The paper submitted should have never been published or being submited for publication any where else. After the selection process has finished, the papers accepted by the committee will be given a chance to be presented and will be published in the proceedings. The papers and presentation materials should be written in English.

Abstracts Submission
Abstract in English must be submitted no later than February 23, 2021: end at 23:00 PM Jakarta. The abstract must be submitted as a word document(s) and contain a title of a submission, full name and affiliation of the author(s). Author(s) should send an abstract with approximately 200-250 words to submission system. The submitted abstracts will be reviewed by Committee.

Full Papers Submission
The manuscript (full paper) can be submitted only after authors submit their abstracts. Full paper submission (before the event): March 05, 2021Paper Acceptance/Rejection Notification: within 30 daysAccepted papers will be published in both print and online ISSN.For all details about example click here More information and Call For Paper Form registration

Thank you and Warm Regards
Organizing of the CommitteeI Nyoman Winyana, S.SKar., M.Si (Chairman)Rida Jelita., S.H., M.H. (Secretary)

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